Patrice Bisiot

Style Interventionist

Own The Room.

Clarify Your Message.

Customize Your Blueprint.

Your choices impact your life.

Express your style.
Lead your life.
Own your brand.

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Money is about TRUST.

From finance to raising funds, wealth management to Wall Street, you need to convey trust. 

Learn your own “How to build TRUTH”!

Adjusting your style to a virtual marketplace.

There are key factors and subliminal details to defining the difference between purposeful style and hopeful collection of ideas.

Million dollar decisions should not be left up to chance.

Luxury has its own language.
Learn to speak it fluently.
BE on top.
STAY on top.

Keys to Creating Your Personal Brand

Know Your Purpose

Understand the fundamentals of your content creating or your goals when entering the meeting.

Know Your Audience

Master the style and culture of your audience. Personal or professional, dress to match.

Know Your Venue

Beware of the location, the geography, the climate to ace it every time.

Set Your Expectations

Meet and exceed the expectations of your client, audience or partners.

Leverage Your Power

Understand how to promote your best qualities and display confidence and trust.

Set Your Value

Set precisely your expectations in any situation by conveying a clear point of view with crisp visual value.

Sales Team & Group Consulting Packages

-Go Getters-

Remove all excuses.

-Growth Strategy-

Build with a Community.

-Your Lucky Suit-

What makes a look work?